Top Ten Naughty New Year’s Resolutions : Be more selfish

2 Be more selfish

Selfish lovers make the best lovers! A bold statement, we know, but stay with us while we explain. People that have sex for selfless reasons, i.e. they feel obligated to, are not nearly as enthusiastic as those self-centered lovers that are in it (literally) for their own pleasure. Those that are in it to win it are more passionate and enjoy sex more, which in turn flatters the ego of their partner and makes sex more satisfying for both involved. By being selfish and taking what you want, you’ll get what you need and your enthusiasm will encourage your partner to keep trying harder to please you. Sometimes we all have the urge to just lie back and enjoy it rather than having to put in any real effort. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this…provided, of course, that it is a reciprocal ‘free pass.’
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