Top Ten Mood Boosters for Women: Get Scented for Sex

3 Get Scented for Sex

Have you ever walked past a stranger in the street and caught a whiff of his cologne - the same one that an ex lover used to wear - and found yourself flooded with sexy memories? Women are generally not even aware of how important sense of smell is when it comes to sexy matters, but it is very important, far more so than to men. Certain scents can send your sex drive crazy – vanilla, cinnamon, rose, ylang-ylang and sandalwood are some scents believed to be aphrodisiacs. Slather yourself in body lotions and perfume, or try burning some incense or scented candles that contain these scents. Want to look even further into the science of scents? Do some research into pheromones and see if it really is possible to use this sexually arousing substance to your advantage.
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