


"Please finish me... "

September 28 2022

You are waiting for me, leaning over my desk

I lift your dress (no knickers of course) slide my hand around your hips and get my finger on your clit to stroke and hold between finger and thumb to roll're definitely wet by then. My other arm is across your shoulders pinning you down. Then ever so slowly slide the enlarged head of my cock between your wet lips - throbbing in anticipation. I hold it there. You push your arse back wanting all of the shaft. Moaning and groaning for entry...


I let go of your clit...other still arm across your shoulders the free arm grabbing you around the waist pulling you into my hips and give you want you want (pussy is so wet needing the length of my shaft) and l thrust my whole cock into you. Ramming you hard and thrusting fast and furious

...groaning - you are so close to cumming...


You are my sub... I won't let you cum. I pull my cock out - slippery with your juice - you are begging me. "Finish me - finish me"..."Please - I want all your cum"..."Finish me - please"..."PLEASE"


I spin you around...lifting your dress over your head. Your nipples are hard and erect. I place my hand on the top of your head and force you to your wet cock throbbing in front of your face. You open your mouth 👄 to take it... I grab your hair at the back of your head and drive your face into my body your mouth taking my cock all the way down your throat. You are gagging and chocking on my cock.


I am absolutely pounding the hell out of your face. My cock stuck in your are gagging worse, saliva from your mouth. I hold your hair tighter...l pound you faster and harder... "Do you want all my cum"..."Do you slut? Do you?"...choking now, you moan trying to answer. "You are my dirty little cum slut whore and you WILL take it.... NOW"!!

I blow my cum shooting down your are moaning, tears in your eyes...l release you letting you fall backwards in a heap. Laying in your fetal position, you are pleading...."Please, please finish me... PLEASE". I step over you and leave.



  • RaymondCarnes

    05 Oct 2022

    A good sub loves been used & willing to please her master. Hot Hot

  • bestbootyfunteen

    04 Oct 2022

    So hotttttt I need this