


My very first Hot Encounter meeting my first RHP member

December 12 2021

We met for drinks at a local tavern. We shared a number of drinks, and talked through the night.

I was attracted to him. Was just not sure how to go about taking it further, this was all completely new to me, but when he asked if I wanted to go back to his place… I immediately said yes.

It was a wise decision! It was already quite late, but I drove him back to his place! He had drunk too much to drive, I had not. So back to his place we went.

It did not take long for the fun to begin. We spent hours, going at it! Every which way!

Eventually we both just crashed and slept a handful of hours.

Saying goodbye early the next morning, I made my way home.

My pussy and my ass were sore for two days! Not only was the man hung like a horse, he knew how to use his equipment! We have now met a number of times, since then.

Best very first intro to a dating app ever!

Thank you RHP!


  • Patrick2510

    14 Dec 2021

    Short but good story Ness, I enjoyed it