Pegging with a difference

May 24 2019

So we’ve all seen the questions who will
Peg me please blah blah blah. I do love a pegging session as much as anyone but who has ever cum from pegging alone no touching of the penis haha. Any women out there been able to bring there male partners or subs to climax with only a lush long strapon! Haven’t experienced it yet and have been told it’s possible.
Please share your stories.

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    But improbable as women generally do not have the stamina required to maintain the rythym for the long period required for a prostrate orgasm.

    The only ones I've had are from male lovers or self love. And not many in total as personally need a long session correctly positioned. Been very close on numerous occasions but small changes have made it subside.

    Good fun trying though.

  • gdevil


    5 years ago

    I have lots of times.especially with a vibe

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    One of my previous partners has been successful on multiple occasions it takes male orgasm to a whole new level especially if there’s been orgasm denial before hand

  • MrandMrsFrisky


    5 years ago

    It is indeed possible and very enjoyable but as with most things, you've got to be in the right head space.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Yes, I make my husband cum from pegging alone all the time. It just takes time. A good lengthy warm up when he is forbbiden to cum followed by a rather savage lengthy pegging (25min or so) also being forbbiden to cum and then granting permission does the trick.