Likes from “straight” people when your profile is bi?

October 11 2022

I seem to get a lot of straight guys hitting my profile, liking it etc but when I check there’s they are 100% straight and have no “curious” comments etc. what’s up with that? Are they really curious but not sure or just baiting or other?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    what did they say when you asked them?

  • teamaj2


    2 years ago

    This is just part of being on the Pie . Sometimes people will like your profile and /or message that are definitely not what you are seeking . As frustrating as that may seem , it is what it is .
    We often find men message and their profile says straight . If I respond, the answers vary greatly . For example -
    ⁃ I’m curious and would love to explore .
    ⁃ I’m not bisexual but I may be ??? okay with it ???
    ⁃ Yes , I am straight but the Mrs looks ok , I’d love to give her a go or some such variation of this .
    ⁃ Actually , I’m bisexual. Sadly , we are told it puts some people off if guys state bisexual and saying they are straight gives them a bigger playing field . We prefer those that are transparent and honest from the get go .
    ⁃ Maybe they are poking the bear , hoping you respond ?
    The list of possibilities is endless . Who really knows why ?
    Perhaps just take it as a compliment.
    Good luck .Ax

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    Curiosity did kill the cat.
    If they are looking at your profile, maybe it's not you, but someone on your friends list. You know, checking out the hot competition. Maybe they are guests, who send the like hoping you'll contact them.
    Also they could be bi-curious and don't know it yet. 😉

    Ms Foxy

  • grae_x


    2 years ago

    In my experience a lot of curious guys (and even bi guys) say they are straight, because openly saying it will often lead to less matches and messages (trust me, I’ve tested across all the apps)

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    Well i'm straight and have the opposite .. I get lots of bi guys checking out my profile so it really is a 2 way street... ?
    Just my opinion , but there seems to be more bi guys here than straight... ?

  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    They don't know you're straight until they open your profile 🤷

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Closet bi men afraid to own there sexuality. No harm in talking to find out.

  • EtherealMagician


    2 years ago

    I get more guys checking me out than women. 🤷‍♂️

    I guess they might be part of a couple looking for single men. I come to this assumption because a lot of couples state that they will contact the men when they are searching.

    What’s really funny is when they check you out and then you check them out because you don’t know anything until you read their bio and then they check you out again. It’s like a tennis match. 🤣

    Also I am guilty of accidentally opening a profile because my fingers get int the way when trying to swipe! 🤣


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    My ex would get off on it, it turned him on but he was and is in denial about the possibility of being sexually attracted to a male. It literally confused me as I am open and super supportive of what he enjoys. I found out accidentally and he was in denial, he said he just liked chatting but didn’t actually want to do it. It’s the dirty conversation that got him off, he comes across as quite conservative in real life.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    I’ve noticed that myself in terms of guys who profile either doesn’t mention bi or even bi curious ? Either they aren’t sure or just can’t find someone and need something for a sexual stimulation