Analyse your pics challenge!

August 03 2024

Challenge - Take a good look at your RHP album’s pictures and look beyond your own image. Look at the background! Messy room? Dunny🚽? Dirty mirror? Something embarrassing sitting on the bed behind you?
I’m constantly amazed at what people have in the background of their pics or the filth that’s on the mirror they’re standing in front of. You can learn a lot about person based on what they have on their bedroom floor, or in their wardrobe, bathroom shelf, pics on their fridge etc. 😅
And men, 4 pics of your torso that are basically exactly the same, is useless. Delete 3 of them and add at least one full body shot, with clothes on or off. 🙏 Legs ARE a thing, and so are asses 😉 (from J. Female of our duo)


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 months ago

    No dunnies in mine.

    Probably pretty boring just the same

  • Flirty2020


    6 months ago

    Nothing worse than a dirty bathroom selfie. Un flushed open toilet, dirty vanity & mirror, dirty clothes strewn on the floor etc.

    When we see that we then wonder how much attention they pay to personal hygiene.

    If they are too lazy to keep their house / apartment clean and tidy, what else do they not bother cleaning?

  • Flirty2020


    6 months ago

    And then there are dirty fingernails ….

  • NeoAndTrin


    6 months ago

    Having worked in television for over 10 years I'm very conscious how I frame everything, both static and moving images.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    6 months ago

    Ok, ok I must admit. I adore creative pics.
    A snag on a bed of lettuce wrapped all snug in a hot dog bun, beats a dirty, cum dripping mirror any day.

    Ms Foxy

  • Ex007


    6 months ago

    Best not to educate them.

    I love it because it saves me so much time. I'm not interested in those who are hygienically challenged. Next

  • RachWandered


    6 months ago

    Uhhhh… I reckon my pics scream “bare minimum to give fairly accurate representation…”

    I don’t even have a PG …

    I find the online bit of online dating really tedious. I hate pic swapping before I’ve banged someone.

    What if we meet and I don’t like them but I’ve seen a pic of their willy already??

    And talking sex before actually knowing I want to shag someone is just awkward. Just sets up expectations that need managing and I don’t like having to do that… seems an awful lot like work

    This is quite possibly why I don’t get all the messages single women are meant to be getting..

    it’s tough being lazy - someone should feel sympathy for me and send all the sexy dudes who are hitting them up my way … I can put my laziness to good use I guess 😘

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 months ago

    This is a good reminder that I really need to update my pictures.

    I love your pictures Mr and Mrs Serenade. Some of the best I’ve seen on here.

  • Garyiskeen


    6 months ago

    I've tried for a variety of pics. Hope they appeal

  • gazpacho


    6 months ago

    I love a jizz stained mirror, personally.

  • gazpacho


    6 months ago

    A couple of years back I bought a camera, and a lens. With my cumpulsive characteristics, before long, I’ve got a couple of foam filled travel cases filled with high tech lenses, a swath of tripods and lighting gear, filters, software subscriptions and signing up for photography challenges, exhibits etc.

    I love candid bathroom shots. Under stalls, sneaky up skirts etc etc. of course, staged. “How naughty” is the message but of course….. Completely staged. One can tell by the quality if it’s an intentional ruse, or just creepy as fuck.

    When I review images I try to imagine what the artist is thinking. With selfies of course, the idea is to try and see what the operator is seeing. What’s the subject?

    If you see dirty underwear in one of my shots, you should know it has been carefully placed there so the viewer can smell it.