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Men in Uniform - Still Sexy?Well, there are two police officers in the Northern Territory currently scoffing popcorn while watching Oprah...

RedHotPie Editor | December 16 2008

Men in Uniform - Still Sexy?

Well, there are two police officers in the Northern Territory currently scoffing popcorn while watching Oprah after being stood down from active duty. You see the mistake they made was allowing photographs of their partying down with some scantily clad ladies at the annual Hookers Ball to get out. As far as we’re concerned the partying down bit’s ok, just don’t let the pics get back to your boss!

The pictures show the officers having a rollicking good time with some very fit young ladies who appear to be very friendly and respectful of the law, heck, one of them is even giving one of the officers a kiss - you can’t get any more respectful than that.

Ok, so maybe, getting flirty on the dance floor while holstering a loaded fire-arm wasn’t the best decision these young officers made but surely a slap on the wrist will be adequate punishment, in fact if the officers have significant others at home, we imagine that the hell they're dealing with on that front is worse than anything the bosses can throw at them.

Really, when you think about it, can they be blamed at all? You see as most of the ladies can testify, a guy in uniform is a pretty handy aphrodisiac. Come on girls, how many of you have been out and about, happily minding your own business when WHACK, a hard bodied young fiery swaggers through your view - your heart skips, your knees bend and your knickers sigh.

So really, those poor policemen never stood a chance; they’ve arrived on the scene, which would have resembled Sodom in the good old days, only to be set upon by juiced up young vixens, high on life, drunk on lust and ripe for the plucking. And don’t kid yourself, if the cops had sent a female officer, the boys of the ball would have been throwing folding money at her quicker than you can say “how much for a private sweetheart?”

So is that it, are uniforms still that hot? Do they still up someone’s sexy by 50%? Drop us a comment below letting us know what you think. Have you ever been pulled by a uniform clad stranger?