The Booth - The journey into the lifestyle
January 15 2025
There's one thing having your finger gliding through the swollen lips of a woman's pussy, and hearing the soft gasp that comes with it, but it's another thing altogether when that pussy is not your wife's. And it's yet another thing to have my wife sitting on the other side of the woman, and another to know that she was deftly masturbating the cock of another man at the time, and yet another thing to be doing this all in public.
This is the night where we went from being a monogamous, faithful couple who made love relatively regularly, but fucked very infrequently, to a couple who discovered what it was to fuck and be fucked.
We were on our annual stay over, where we book a hotel and have "us" time. As much as we love the prospect of putting time aside for each other, there was a routine that had been established. Get to hotel, forget that we have children for a few blessed hours, have dinner and drinks, get a bit tired, go back to the hotel for some ok sex, not sleep all that well, have ok breakfast, drive home. And - as we'd drive home, it turns out we were both harbouring our own thoughts which basically boiled down this it?
The question was never close enough to the front of our minds to actually give voice to. It was only after the latest "stay over" that we got answers to the questions we never knew we were asking.
Wellington is a cool little city, with secret bars off the beaten track, you just have to know where to look. We went to our usual haunts - had lovely cocktails, enjoyed the vibe of the city, and headed back towards our hotel. As we were walking, we saw a young couple kissing, and my wife commented.
"God, look at them - they're really going for it."
"Good for them", I said. "Although they might want to get a room, that could start getting awkward fast."
We had stopped and were staring, but they were none the wiser, and the streetlights meant our watching felt a little less brazen. The young man was now running his hand up the side of his companion's body, and I could imagine his thumbs were probably roaming over the sides of her boobs. His other hand reached round to pull her into him, and she threw her head back in apparent pleasure. This exposed her neck, and he didn't miss the opportunity to lay kisses from her shoulder to her chin, before catching her mouth again and rejoining the passion. She pushed him away gently and whispered in his ear. They giggled, obviously aware that they had just gotten hot and heavy in public.
They held hands and began walking away, but then the young woman spun around to us and asked "Did you enjoy the show?" before giggling again and turning away.
We felt like dirty voyeurs, and we quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed. There was another couple standing near a darkened doorway, and we had to go past them to resume our walk to the hotel. We put our heads down and began what felt like a walk of shame, before a woman's voice stopped us.
"We certainly enjoyed the show - it was fucking hot, don't you think?"
When I looked, I saw they were a couple maybe five years younger than us. He was taller than me, dark, and probably what you'd call ruggedly handsome. She was quite short, voluptuous with a pretty smile and shining eyes.
"Well, you could hardly miss it, could you?" I offered, and as I said it, I didn't like the conservative undertones of my words. Then my wife surprised me.
"Oh my god I loved the show. I remember how that used to feel."
There was a pause where her simple sentence hit home on a number of different levels. For me, I was immediately aware of the fact that Tabby had spoken in the past tense, and I felt a sense of real sadness at that, how come we no longer had that level of excitement. For Tabby, she seemed shocked that she'd said it at all, let alone to total strangers. And for the couple standing there, they were quite clearly witnessing a moment of realisation. Before it could become truly awkward, the man saved us.
"We were just going up to a quiet little jazz and gin bar we know - come and join us."
And we did. Tabby and I exchanged a long glance that said a great many things. There was wariness, honesty, and longing in that exchange. So without saying a word, we did, we followed.
They led the way, holding hands, together in their journey. We followed along, hands in pockets, saying nothing - together alone, like the song by Neil Finn.
Inside the bar, it was lit by lamps, and it was immediately welcoming. There was big band jazz coming from somewhere, and the vibe was warm and inviting. We followed the confident, mysterious couple into a booth with a table. It didn't occur to me to challenge the arrangement - he went in first, while she ushered Tabby in to her seat, leaving me to follow her.
"I'm Marina, that's Max - it's so lovely to meet you both." So strange to be getting introductions as we're sitting with them in a bar. Tabby spoke up, again, so unlike her.
"I'm Tabby, and my husband is Karl. We're having our annual date night."
"Annual?" Said Marina, and she sounded genuinely shocked.
"Yeah, we get the kids looked after, we book a hotel, and - it's a night about us." I said, a bit defensively.
"Oh, I know what a date night is, Karl. I'm just sad for you that it happens only yearly." She said laughing kindly. That kindness eased things a little, and with perfect timing, a waiter arrived with 4 Southside mojitos. I hadn't even seen them get ordered, and the confusion on my face must have been telling.
"Oh, I ordered these as I came in." Said Max. He had a deep, resonant voice.
We made small talk, swapping children stories, and the music must have been turned up a fair bit, because we were soon having to lean in to hear each other. I couldn't tell what Max was saying, so Tabby and Marina had to repeat things, so before long, I was really just talking to Marina. Which wasn't a chore - she was a very attractive woman and was paying me a lot of attention.
I noticed her perfume - present enough without being overdone. She had an impressive cleavage, which was visible without being slutty. When we chatted, she put her hand on my arm, and from time to time, I would feel her warm breast on my arm. I didn't really think too much about it, but when her hand touched my leg, not in a sexual way by any means, I immediately got hard. It was breathtakingly exciting to have such a simple thing feel so incredibly sexy. I looked past Marina, and saw that Tabby was in close conversation with Max.
I got up to go to the bathroom, and used that time to order another round of drinks, and when I came back, I saw that Marina, Tabby and Max had their heads together, as if sharing a secret of some sort. I felt a twinge of insecurity, and I didn't like the feeling at all.
As I sat down with the drinks, they all sprung apart like they'd been caught doing something naughty, and their delight at my presence was a little too animated, I thought. I caught Tabby's eye and she made an expression of "OMG" and then smiled. As long as Tabby was smiling, I knew everything was ok, so I relaxed and as I sat once more, Marina took her drink and turned to me.
"Karl, you caught us having a dirty conversation." She was giggling like a schoolgirl. The look on my face told her to continue. "I was just telling Tabby that watching those two youngsters out in Cuba St got me very, very wet."
I couldn't believe my ears. She continued.
"I asked Tabby if it had any affect on her, and she said no, but that it was hot. Well, I didn't believe that for a minute, so Max and I pressed her on the subject, and guess what? Your Tabby was dripping wet from watching another couple kiss!"
At this point she whispered in my ear "Isn't that fucking hot? I mean - insanely hot?" And still close to me, she moved so she could look me in the eye.
"Karl, you need to prepare yourself for what I'm about to say, but when I accidentally on purpose brushed your trousers before, I know you're finding this whole thing a turn on, so I will continue.
I kissed Tabby, and she kissed me back. Just before, when you were in the bathroom. She hasn't kissed Max yet, because - well, not without you present. But I think she really wants to kiss him. And the thought of kissing you, and the fact that I actually kissed your wife, has made me go from wet to absolutely fucking soaking. Here, feel for yourself."
She handed me something that felt delicate, and very damp. I know a pair of knickers when I hold them, and it was all I could do not to sniff them, because I would quite probably have come on the spot.
I pocketed the underwear and took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. It's not every day that you're placing the undies of a strange woman in your pocket, and I had to clear my head and try to make sense of what was going on. I told Marina that I had to get some air and talk to Tabby, and as I did so I reached over an touched Tabby's arm. She turned to me and I saw just how caught up in the couple's spell she was.
"Tabby - can we talk? I just need a couple of minutes." She looked lost for a moment and then seemed to come to her senses a bit.
"Um. Sure."
She squeezed past Marina and we walked into the foyer near the bathrooms where there was a deserted sofa. We both sat down, and I felt lost for words for the first time ever around Tabby. She beat me to it.
"I want it, Karl. Whatever this is, I want it." There was a steely resolve in her tone.
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's exciting. I'm trembling with adrenaline. I've missed this. I think I want Max to fuck me, and perhaps even Marina, and I want you to fuck her, and then me." It sounded so odd coming from my normally safe, reasoned wife. I decided to give voice to what I was feeling.
"I'm fucking petrified, Tab. I want to do something with Marina - but I don't want to lose you."
To be continued…
18 Jan 2025
Bring on part 2... please 🤤
18 Jan 2025
And then ….
18 Jan 2025
I’m with Summer…. we need to hear the rest asap
17 Jan 2025
Very nice story very very hot
17 Jan 2025
I’m rock hard right now
17 Jan 2025
Ohh my gosh 😍 continue the story pleassseeeee