M51 F46
Xxx dirty chat
March 16 2024
RHP User
a year ago
I also cannot understand why people wouldn't want to get into sexy chat straight away with an unverified profile, on a guest account, with no validations, a single generic line for a bio, and a dark picture of someone's legs.
People are just strange sometimes I guess.MsSuperFoxy
a year ago
WHOOOA! Sloooooow the F-down, grass hopper!
Minamal effort = Minamal outcome.
Ms FoxySawadee
a year ago
You are the result of your own question.. no effort , no trust , no result...
a year ago
Because it's boring.
Yawn 🥱Viccpl
a year ago
Gotta concur with the consensus on this one - your profile doesn’t really help!
10 months ago
Maybe your profile needs work, agreed (mine does as well)
Timing / the right people also plays an important part. Both are needed for a hot xxx chat. I love reading the stories here and would love to read them with another person/couple. Equally I enjoy reading them myself.
Would be up for any xxx chat with you/anyoneAsideofkink
10 months ago
I love to get into naughty chat but then I find myself working myself up because no one reply’s and I’ve just got to the point where I’m horny from all the beautiful pics on the profiles 😂 hen I’ve got to resort to pleasing myself 🤪
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