Why do we do this?
March 02 2024
I know many will say it’s both, but if we listen to ourselves deep, what is it we really take from meeting the right people on here?
Take the profiles that talk heavily about wanting orgasms for example and needing a man to know what he’s doing. Is that the motivator or could you be content with a night exploring intimately and connecting almost ethereally without the O?
RHP User
a year ago
I think the core driver behind any sexual interaction is to replicate our dna as a survival instinct. That's the biological instinct, deeper than anything subconscious.
But on top of that there are different reasons people are here depending on the needs they need to fill. Probably a lot for a sense of validation that we are attractive and accepted, maybe some just for the pleasure, but I suspect that is less than we would initially think.No_probLlama68
a year ago
It’s an interesting question rp, connection comes in different ways for many people… their motivations are a varied as anyone else’s. I’m not really sure how in-depth the responses generally go in the forums being relatively new here but I’m sure the community will have some interesting thoughts about that topic
RHP User
a year ago
Complicated question. Simple answer. Yes.
If I’m in dire need of an orgasm, I’m rather “handy”, and am able to attend to the matter without requiring assistance. I’ve done my days picking up, great fun, but next stage please. 😁
(I have a mental block for orgasms with strangers anyway 🤷🏽♀️. The fuck is no less fun for all that, but my soul stays mine 🙂)
I quite like me, I’m fun, sassy, intelligent, emotionally stable (vanilla! 🤣) and I would pick me as a soul to connect with, but even I get sick of myself sometimes. I already know how I think, and it’s difficult to debate meaningfully with oneself. I already know how I perceive the world, and what I’m trying to learn… make sense?
Make me think, make me weak. Give me space to process, and I’m back digging, asking, looking. Curious. Can’t resist 😍 This means, I need to connect. Deeply.Yellowpenguins
a year ago
I'm horny 🤷💁 😂
No but also. I don't want or have time for a relationship but I also am a human being with needs and want a physical connection and release so this is a good place to meet like minded individualsMsSuperFoxy
a year ago
I drive my own car.
I'm doing alright so far.
Ms Foxy 🤞🏼countrytouch82
a year ago
I feel like things shared are better. This goes from vanilla things to adult things. As far as the whole O thing goes, yes that's a high but it's momentary (for a guy generally); my interest in finding more "romantic" touch or connection saw me recently try out a cuddle party. Essentially still quite platonic, but wants are wants and even small samples are better than nothing.
Some things we want all or most of time, some things we only want from time to time. As for sex, I'm in the camp of not wanting it constantly, and often not at all, but when I do, "look out!" (said only in the context of having a willing partner actually present, otherwise it's Mrs Palmer or toys).
As for a life journey, yes many things can be done solo, but we often want someone to be interested in sharing the photos we took along the way, if that makes sense metaphorically and quite literally (thus much of our sharing of stuff on social media for example). We don't necessarily want someone to be fully tied down to, but we still want some people or someone to be interested in our lives and vice versa.Andrea_Sydney
a year ago
That’s interesting to read that! Do some women put in their profile they are looking for men who know what they are doing because they need an orgasm?
Hm. I don’t know. If a man worded his profile like that I would be rather put off with that demanding arrogance of wording what you’re looking for. But I might have misunderstood.
For me personally I feel it’s self-centered, bordering on rude, if a man doesn’t try for me to orgasm. But it’s on me to give feedback, physically and verbally. Otherwise you have to rely on the stimulation coincidentally being what you need. In my opinion neither party can demand an orgasm from the other. You meet to have human experience of diving into another person, mentally and physically. Everything else happens from there.touchbase
a year ago
Is it something deep inside that longs for that other part to be close, it is not the heart but the soul that yearns for its other. Random souls can touch in those moments of physicality....fleetingly which can be a nice experience in time, soothing even. But I could be a nut job🤷
a year ago
It’s hella fun with the right people!
a year ago
Sex …
I’m here to fuck myself senseless Then, when I’m crying over yet another heartbreak, consoling myself with the fact that at least I got dumped by someone sexy AF.
It’s taking every ounce of self control not to touch on the issue of the female orgasm and the phenomenology of female embodiment and sex. But it’s probably safe to assume the female orgasm is not yet something most women have the privilege of taking for granted.
And yes I’m sure the same applies to men as well.. (in case the unequal opportunity police jump on me and point out that men have troubles too … duly noted without a skerrick of sarcasm)..
I was married. I don’t want to be tethered again. I’m relishing my body and the choice to fuck it up in the most magnificent and messy ways and not having to explain myself…nightingale8
a year ago
My answers depend on when I’m being asked 😂 I’m very ‘feminine’ in that regard… fluid, changeable, evolving. It’s hard to find a definitive answer because there isn’t one.
At least at this point, and from the perspective of being in a relationship, it’s not orgasms but novelty and play that drive me. And when you enter that space of anticipation with someone else and linger there it’s utterly electrifying. Kind of a whole brain experience. Maybe that’s just a fluffed up way of describing new relationship energy. We’ve all been there to some degree I suppose. Isn’t that lovely?
Orgasms in the sense of rolling pleasure contractions together with another are also amazing, where you have both a loss of self and immersive connection (the good ones anyway lol). That doesn’t hurt!There are so many ways to find it in everyday life, sex is just a fun way to go about it 🙂RHP User
a year ago
Great post. Survival is the number one reason. Keeping our species alive. The other thing is that we are a species that can have sex for fun. If something is pleasurable it is human nature to seek it out. And i like your last sentence, not always needs to end in an O for me. I am very happy to please and be pleased. I even mentioned in the chat yesterday "is there a site for people who likes cuddles and kisses...no sex" of course the comment wasn't received very well but i don't care. I am a naturally curious person and like to discuss these things :)
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