Sydney Meets

January 14 2024

Hi All,

I’m interested to know how others find Sydney women and couples responding to messages. I’ve had a share of fake accounts, people chatting and disappearing, paid for an account and a lot of unread messages.

Interested to know how others have found meeting people through the site recently.

Would love to hear from those with good experiences.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Welcome to the world of a single bloke, mate. The odds are stacked against us.
    Women and couples here get inundated with messages (mostly from single blokes) and there's only so many they can reply to. Make an effort and stand out and hopefully you'll get somewhere. Don't take rejections/lack of responses personally.

  • Hotwife71


    a year ago

    Welcome to our world. 2 successful meets in 10 years (one of those on Saturday just gone), fairly active during that 10 year timeframe, happens to Couples as well and we are looking for guys only. Our standards are high, but we have had countless time wasters, Pic Hunters, EGO boosters and even NO SHOWS after forking out Hundreds of dollars on a hotel. Countless months spent chatting with guys etc.

    NOW we are straight up, if you do not provide exactly what we request, we reply, but with a "NO THANKS".

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Cannot speak for Sydney as such. And until I upgrade very soon I can't quite say. But It is interesting to read that couples and single women are finding the same problem as males tend to do on any dating/sex sites these days. I can say from being here several times over the past many years that I have noticed very little through the forums of meet and greets being discussed. And not much going on in general chat and games here in the forums anymore. When I upgrade to be able to send messages and such I shall see if much has changed this time round.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I have joined a week ago and sent almost 200 messages and maybe 10 responses most of them to say not interested. Its hard for single guys on these sites. Sorry for no good news :(

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I have been on about two weeks and met a single lady last week. Unfortunatly for us boys there are alot of men and very few women who take part in the features of the site, in addition ladies have the pick of the crop on here....have you seen some of the dudes? They are all hot and chiseld so while it may not be everyones cup of tea and am sure the sexy gym fit boys are at the top of most cpls and womens hit list. The messaging thing is even a ore dubios proposition as the girls and couples get 1000 messages a day....thye cannot sift through that they pick the ones that actually say something.....send thoughful messages and be nice....thats all i can say.

  • Therockguy


    a year ago

    I've been on about a month and this is my experience so far.
    *Two girls requested money before meeting.
    *Stood up once.
    *Had one sexual experience with a gorgeous lady.

    Take the good with the bad but the good will always outway the bad.
    Also, you definitely need to upgrade and send messages to be actively involved. On that, I think RHP should make all participants on this site pay. It will get rid of most fakes.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    RHP is becoming home of fakes and males (Funny enough I’m a single male). At least they’ve rolled out a security against pic hunters. (You get notification in case of screenshots).

    I did meet up plenty of nice people. Most cases we took the conversation further, with some just said thank you.

    What I know is that demand is crazy. Your messages get buried under 100s… Demand is high but not sure about the quality. Couples and women just fed up replying and unfortunately plenty of rotten apple already spoiled the barrel. Because of those… it just turns out like a job hunting. Game of keep applying :)