July 23 2024
Ive met with a few couples just ti watch and play with the mrs but never joined in, keen to have full on fun with a couple or mmf with a single lady but cant get experience untill someone actually lets me join 🙄 its a vicious circle🙄
7 months ago
That’s weird you had that reply. I don’t know what their reasons were, however, I can shed some light on why many people don’t want people without experience.
It’s great playing with uninhibited, experienced people where everyone can let themselves fall into the moment. It’s not so great to have someone in the mix who might have any hang ups, too many no-go rules or doesn’t understand the general swinging etiquette of consent, looking out for everyone’s pleasure and generally being fun rather than awkward or overly shy.
I’m NOT saying you are any of these! But this might help you in the conversations you are having.
Men are generally much more successful when they show face pics. Good ones. No tongue sticking out or anything. And yes - blurred out faces to me indicate embarrassment of being on this site. For men, there are not many jobs that require this type of safe guarding.
Mmf might also be easier for you to find joining a couple rather than a single lady joining you and (who?).
Good luck x
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