How to Succeed on RHP as a Man (Part 1)
January 25 2024
Step 1: Choose a Username
The first thing you want to do is make sure you choose an irresistible username. This will be the first impression of your profile, so it really needs to impress.
Use words like thick, hung, hard, cock, and horny. These words show exactly what kind of guy you are and basically make you irresistible.
It can also help to add in 4u and a random assortment of numbers at the end of your username. Be sure to double check that the numbers have absolutely no relevance to anything at all when you choose them.
So, an example of the perfect username could be ThickHungCock4u539. Choose a name like this and you’ve already done about 90% of the work for most women here.
Step 2: Fill out your Profile
The next thing you need to do is fill out your profile. It’s important to know, when filling out your profile, that literally none of it matters… EXCEPT for the endowment section. Make sure to put ‘thick’ or ‘very thick’ and at least 7”- 8” for length.
Even if you aren’t that big, just chuck on a few extra inches for good measure. When it comes time to play, nobody will actually notice. Also, most of the people on here were born well after the metric system was adopted, so nobody actually knows what an inch is.
Step 3: Write Your Bio
When you write your bio, make as little effort as humanly possible. This will show how much of a laid back guy you really are. Be sure to use all the generic suggested lines and fit in the words “down to earth.”
If you can offer some sort of squirting guarantee, that’s also a winner.
That’s all I can fit in this one, stay tuned for part 2 where I’ll teach you how to take absolutely terrible photos and the three magic letters to use when you reach out to someone. An H, an E, and a Y, it's literally all you need.
a year ago
Hi Alexis, I just took a look at your profile and see that you definately do not practice what you preach. So, I can only assume that your comment above is steeped in irony. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get a sense of irony from a written passage alone and I'm sure there will be many men who would take your comment quite literally. The only good thing is that the majority of those men do not frequent the Forums and so will never read it.
a year ago
@Alexis. Excellent! Hopefully in part 2 You could add words like satisfaction guaranteed and you won’t be disappointed and can eat pussy for hours! Just to make sure lol.
Alas the target audience rarely visit the forums but it does give the rest of us who do a good laugh 😂😉RHP User
a year ago
Thanks very useful.
I suggest three more tips:
1. Have a Guest account
2. Not be verified
3. Have no validations
All of those 3 add a bit of mystery and intrigue to your accountteamaj2
a year ago
Alexis , thank you for entertaining guide . Certainly made my afternoon .
Only thing I would add to making the perfect profile is mention you can’t wait to meet some ‘horny babes ‘! Being called babe or referred to as such , brings forth feelings I haven’t the words for .
I’m sure part two will include the must do guide of the profile picture , including the filthy bathroom , dirty underwear on the floor etc
Thanks again . Axteamaj2
a year ago
So funny . I’m assuming we will see you performing in the annual comedy festival? If no , you have definitely missed your calling . Ax
a year ago
Are you trying to increase your odds in actually receiving a reply by lowering the benchmark?
I think you need to photoshop a massive fish into your profile as the ladies get so impressed that you can feed them.
a year ago
Thanks Alexis. A fun read. Another piece of advice. If you’re over 50, take 10, no make it 20, years off your age. No ladies will ever notice that lie in the bedroom.
a year ago
Yes, there needs to be an assortment of random numbers in the username, however, the not so random "69" should be added somewhere to ensure compliance.
RHP User
a year ago
I feel this is exactly what the forums need. Trilby tilted.
a year ago
You absolutely crack us up!!! This is gold 🙌
RHP User
a year ago
Awesome advise! I will start doing them step by step 😅😆
RHP User
a year ago
@Alexis Two more things to add to your recommendations: Never take No as an answer and keep trying a 1000 times until you get blocked, even then you can create a new profile and keep pesting people, secondly, make sure you express your interest in all dates regardless of who they’re looking for
a year ago
I can't wait for part 2 and to read more of your writing in general 😹 brilliant!
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