Block or something else?
September 29 2024
Hence my following question..
If one receives one of those little notes from the Pie Gods that advises you that “one of your messages (or likes or so forth) has been deleted because the “the other person has blocked you OR has deleted their account”, then why can’t the same Pie God (benevolent as She/He/It is) provide some additional clarity as to which one it actually was?
Did they block you OR did they delete their account?
Now, before many of our Pie cohort kindly point out that “who cares as no one owes anyone anything, let alone an explanation”, or that “She/He is clearly not into you so just move on soldier” etc, etc, I should point out that this is NOT about the “Block-er” (if one indeed has been blocked), or the removal of their profile (if that is the case) for those are reasons beyond the control of the person on the other end of the notification.
May I suggest that one of the most commonly expressed concerns on this platform is the somewhat unsavoury behaviour of men (and the reasons underscoring said behaviour).
Ergo, would it not be beneficial to ALL that if one’s online behaviour is the reason one receives one of those little messages, then some clarity would possibly be beneficial to the that person?
Modification of behaviour (if required) has to start somewhere does it not, and ambiguity in this context is not conducive to such a desirable outcome (eg: if you are a dick then you will be blocked… so don’t be a dick)
However if the other person simply decided to remove their profile, or the Pie God removed them because they were a fake, then that’s equally useful information to the other person who had possibly been enjoying some form of engagement.
Quality of experience is what underpins the success of sites like this, so let’s have some clarity to improve it.
4 months ago
What is equally important is the fact the pie gods seem to remove relevant formatting from forum posts.
Making them exceedingly difficult to read.
Paragraphs are important pie gods.Apples_N_Oranges
4 months ago
Obi1 FYI we have seen quite a few of your forum comments and found them to be most informative and some very entertaining. Obviously you have been on here long enough to know the ins and outs, and ups and downs involved in conversing with people on here.
The whole ‘no one owes anything’ concept is absolute BS. Saying that is a way of justifying deleting/ignoring and blocking without any explanation. If people started acting like adults instead of constantly demonstrating cowardly behaviour such as deleting messages/blocking part way through a conversation, instead of sending a simple message stating they are not interested anymore or even provide some reasons why they are not interested anymore, there would be no need for any intervention by the Pie Gods.
Agree that there could be something implemented by the Pie Gods to help with understanding why. Perhaps at the time of choosing to delete or block, the app could prompt you to choose from four simple reasons and the other party receives a notification informing them of the profile name and reason/s.
Oh Pie Gods please save us.RHP User
4 months ago
I think if one of your active conversations disappears it’s probably a block.
If you can’t tell which conversation it was from (i.e. a dormant one) they probably just left the pie.gazpacho
4 months ago
This idea of “The pie gods” has sent my mind into a spin. Mmmm pie.
4 months ago
Obi, perhaps in your circumstances it’s less likely blockers quitters or anyone in particular upstairs.. I wish Jimmy was still up there he was the maintenance man lived under the stairs and Jimmy could fix everything, maybe not fix but confirm and he had in the passed when once again you’re instinctive peripheral attributes flare.. gosh how can one man have so many talents..
Yeah no Obi, every other time your.. well you as a person of interests known to associations and that’s Federal investigation again..
Never a dull moment….
Mado Tara xxmadotara69
4 months ago
Obi there Is possibly something technical that flies completely.over my head maybe true
Tho if we look at some of the folk you associate
Other ships
Grannies that held you hostage in a treehouse
Loose women liberated
Stolen space ship investigators
Emergency medical practitioners
Ladies of the fora
Just a few to mention the unlikely closed accounts, they have no where to go but for to be near you.
Moreover these associates share moments in times all times with you, sum
Abduction, sexually probed by aliens
Stolen space ship investigators
Whoever involved in surviving the time you wee’d or penis got electrocuted by a fence out by whoop whoop, the cowpuncher, the nurse’s the team of surgeons fixing the charred remains
The grannies gang that held you hostage in a treehouse and forced you to be a sex slave or something that one by one horny grannies fed you, took turns having their way with you,
The pirates tho in particular Cpn NoBeard
Heaps of women
Who”d block you… just say’n
Maybe I’m blinded by the light Obi1kenietzsche
(Soppy music ‘Royal Tapanapple choir)
4 months ago
Many people use block as a filter. We've blocked many we have no problem with, they're just a definite no thanks and we simply don't want their.profile popping up for us again.
Sure we also block the unsavoury, but I think the message saying a conversation or like has been removed itself it totally redundant and not needed.gazpacho
4 months ago
It’s easy to block someone just so you don’t waste two minutes reading the garbage on the profile page, again. Think of it as the Harry Potter sorting hat. Slitheren house to the left.
4 months ago
Yeah this is unhelpful. I pause my account when I’m not active on here for whatever reason. If I’ve been talking to people I try to message them to tell them I’m pausing it so they don’t think I’ve blocked them.
it’s also not great if someone has a negative experience and then all the receipts disappear including their own messages, that’s not great for safety or to keep track if the person reappears with a different username or whatever.
This has happened to me with people using fake profile photos, luckily I haven’t met any of them in person but I can’t report the accounts after they blocked mePrimal_Curiosity
4 months ago
In some omnipotent wishing kind of sense I can understand the idea but really it’s yesterday’s news.
The why is probably “they decided they weren’t into you” or “they effed off after realising the platform wasn’t for them”.
Choose one and move on has always been a safe bet. Plus what are actually going to learn because you don’t know why you were blocked? It’s just more guess work.Opentoexplore19
3 months ago
We agree Obi1. It would be nice to know the reason.
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