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Sex-starved wives taking action: expertsA new brand of liberated women has emerged — sex-starved wives who are standing up for their needs in the bedroom....

RedHotPie Editor | July 06 2022

Sex-starved wives taking action: experts

Hot on the heels of the cougar, sex therapists say a new brand of liberated women has emerged — sex-starved wives who are standing up for their needs in the bedroom.

Women with a higher sex drive than their husbands were becoming increasingly vocal about their suffering, sex therapist Bettina Arndt has said.

"There has been as steady trickle of women coming to me complaining that they are not getting enough sex," she said. "There are women out there who want a lot of sex and whose husbands simply can't keep up."

Arndt, who is the author of The Sex Diaries, said four out of 10 sexually frustrated women she had recently been corresponding with had ended their relationships because of the problem.

Sydney psychologist and sex therapist Serena Cauchi said she had also noticed the trend.

"It is not as uncommon as you would think," she said. “There are women who have come to me who have a higher sex drive than their husbands. Women may react just as men may do in this situation; some have affairs and some choose to end the relationship."

One Melbourne woman, who did not wish to be named, told ninemsn she had been sexually frustrated for at least half of her 14-year marriage.

"When we first got together, there was never an issue with my husband’s sex drive, we would have sex at least five times a week," she said. "But in the last seven years he has become less and less interested — now we would probably only have sex once a week."

The 42-year-old woman said her self esteem had "taken a battering" because of the constant rejection from her husband.

"Having a husband who is hardly interested in having sex with me anymore has made me feel like it's my fault. I feel like a failure as a wife and as a woman."

Arndt said one of her subjects, "Barb", had only had sex twice in the last 17 years. Women who found themselves in a similar situation often felt hurt and wounded, she said.

"It is an intolerable thing for them because they think they are not desirable — it eats away at them not being wanted. They are often perplexed because they talk to their friends who are all complaining about having to beat their husbands off with a stick."

Arndt said more research needed to be done to find out why some men were troubled by a low sex drive, a task made more difficult because men were often unwilling to talk about it.

"We need to find out more about what is happening to the men and why."

Source: ninemsn

Have you ended a relationship because of mis-matched libidos? Tell us below in the comments!


  • HighburySam

    13 Jul 2024

    Love that women have taken control... but sex from 5 times a week to once a about once a week to nothing for years...

  • ryaup4fun

    23 Dec 2022

    Any hot and horny girls in Melbourne in the north or west that is willing to hook up for fun sex meetings from outdoors or indoors I don’t mind if you are married or have a boyfriend if any girls interested one on one I love to hear from use

  • Rasile

    09 Dec 2022


  • matty2021

    26 Nov 2022

    Any starved lady's hit Me up 0456358756

  • Openight

    02 Nov 2022

    Think it is based on being able to provide each other honest timely communication right from the start. Telling each other what excites them and not being judged and also respecting each other when they talk to each other how they feel. Doesn't occur overnight.

  • Noahjene

    01 Nov 2022

    To match hot🍑🍑

  • Kincraft

    09 Aug 2022

    It works both ways... respectable people who lack the intimacy, comfort, and security in the relationship that sex provides. It's not that 'a lack of sex ruined the relationship', there's a breakdown because our needs not being met results in us feeling denied and hurt, and then resentful... which produces a range of other issues. And after all that, the idea of dedicating ourselves to another relationship seems a bit too daunting. So, despite being respectable people, there's a need to experience our sexuality (that has been repressed for so long). Hopefully with someone of a similar mindset and interests.

  • upforfun3

    31 Jul 2022

    Any sex starved women in Broome love to help you😊

  • MM11223344

    23 Jul 2022


  • Telesa5107

    16 Jul 2022

    Any girl in Adelaide looking for fun fwb??

  • Ralphjane

    15 Jul 2022

    Well why do people drift apart do they forget to do romantic things for the other do they get in a rut perhaps. 25 years married here sometimes I come home with flowers some mornings I leave a note on the fridge telling her she was amazing in bed last night. I feel a big that to keep your partner interested you need to keep surprising them. Make them feel wanted. To me this is a two way street.

  • MrsMrOTravelPlay

    13 Jul 2022

    Maybe look at the whole scenario. Can’t just take one couple to gospel. I agree in the fact a lot more women, couples, men are taking the bulls by the horn and sex isn’t as much of a taboo topic (pun intended) or maybe that’s because I’m on RHP haha. My husband and I had years of a “lul” so to speak and I would say that was more from my side as I wasn’t comfortable in my skin after having kids and had really lost who I was. A few years of shifting my mind set and body - I started embarking on exciting our sex life again because I was feeling sexy again. It’s a 2 way street. I initiate, he initiates - i May push boundaries a little more and suggest shit he would never have thought of (like joining RHP and going to swingers) but we have got a lot more excitement, joy and a hell of a good sex life out of it. Takes 2…………maybe 4 to Tango 😳🫣

  • Attica

    09 Jul 2022

    I can relate with this story of an 11yr sexless marriage. We both just lost the pleasure of one another. We are still friends. I decided to feed my needs and am happier for it.

  • Petemitchell

    09 Jul 2022

    Wiah i could find one of these women. I am in the same situation.

  • Zarabyfar

    08 Jul 2022

    There are a lot of jaded comments in here, which may tell a story in itself

  • Friendlyfun69

    07 Jul 2022

    May get it once a month, hence having fwb now.

  • PenangHappyMan

    07 Jul 2022

    Im looking 3some for my partner.she wan try 2ladies 1men.

  • kyle345

    07 Jul 2022

    Welcome to help 👋

  • just_looking_4_u

    07 Jul 2022

    Omg I can so relate to this, my hubby has done nothing but reject me for the last 2 years of our marriage and when I try to get to the bottom of the problem I am ignored hence why I have fuck buddies 😈

  • BrisbaneHotMale

    07 Jul 2022

    I helped some people with similar situations so instead of ending their marriage I joined them in their dynamics so the lady needs were satisfied drama free. We are here to help each other.

  • GoodTimes21

    07 Jul 2022

    A lot of Men have had to chase sex, had it used against them or as some kind of reward/bargaining chip. Is it any suprise that when the shoe is on the other foot these same men don't really care.

  • Joeydsyd

    07 Jul 2022

    Good news week

  • Kissnhug

    07 Jul 2022

    still a minority group i think , unless women are picking up partners non online style , most are not on adult sites as the numbers are still low compared to men . i have and will help out ladies in need. it has been said before the odd fling or 3 can save a marriage and family if the other partner gets a bit of whats missing in their relationship else where , just a fwb , no need for wining and dining or extra marital affairs , just the odd extra bonk is enough to keep every one at bay

  • Himandhers13

    06 Jul 2022

    It might seem odd but I am one of these women. My husband gives me plenty and regularly too but my drive is definitely higher. We will have sex and within an hour I want to go again. I think about sex most of the day, if I could I would probably have it all day. So we opened our marriage up to other people. It helps take the pressure off him but is also exciting to talk about and share with him. More couples need to be better at communicating their needs and understanding each other. Sex is not a taboo subject.

  • funnguy84

    06 Jul 2022

    I’m happy to help sex starved women meet there goals