


a beautiful sunrise

April 28 2024

I’m sitting by the fire, smoke feeling my lungs not just from the red gum, relaxed as ever. looking over towards her through flames and embers that scatter off into the night through molecules that feel as close as we are. touching or knees do, the pressure feeling as though it’s been there for minutes, hours, days even. so soft and warm as though she knows me, my whole body she knows. i glance over, off the flames, into her eyes, deep and brown, yet soft and familiar. pevertedly, i think about it. her, sucking on my length, the feeling of my girth swelling in her mouth, to her throat, to it convulsing around me in eagerness to please. in eagerness to satisfy me.


i toss, convulse, tense. my body feel as though it’s frozen. my dick feel swollen, wet and hard.


“good morning baby”


there she is, she’s at it waking me up in to a beautiful sunrise. her ass high shaking in excitement to see me looking down at her blissfully sparing her breaths for my cock. each gag, each slobber, each lasting breath that has breathed its exacerbated, and stretched for each breath for my cock.


i can’t act as though ive fallen to back to sleep any more. i rustle her hair, gripping it at the base of her ponytail scratching my fingers across her scalp ever so gently showing my gratitude and my desire for her. her warmth, the throb between her of what’s between her thighs and most of all the stretch of her cunt around the cock she’s been most eagerly been getting ready for me.


pulling her up from the ponytail, body and all, complete compliance. a gaze into her eyes, deep understanding of lust for eachother writhers through out us. shivers sending thrills of sexual fucking desire for our body’s to be intertwined. elapsed for the not the first time and certainly not the last.


my cock sliding deep into her pussy, in and out the feeling of my cock pressing up against her cervix, its blunt ending, its orgasmic feeling of sensation fuelling my lust for her clench and her buckle into the peak of satisfaction.


finally, after minutes of warm, hot, sweaty, not how they portray it on the internet sex, my dicks shriveled into what could only be described as a turtle creeping back into its shell. and an awfully hot, sweaty mess laying in the nook of my armpit, fuck i’m sure she’s thinking the same thing. what. this oaf doing, laying down as if he has done anything??




what a cunt he doesn’t know his cums still in my mouth i think i might kiss him, but of a surprise for him haha.



*not a real encounter, but simply one of my fantasies hope you enjoyed it as much as i did, and tell me if you want more


please give your critiques, tbf i wrote this at 4 in the morning*