

M34 F35

Starting conversations that go no where!

January 26 2024

Hey so we have been using RHP for a while now and have made several connections had a few solid conversations and are yet to actually meet up with someone from this site.
What we are finding really annoying is that you can match with someone, reach out to them and start a conversation and you can either get 2 types of replies:

A) They reply back and conversation is good but not consistent. Or

B) you reach out and no one replies and the conversation doesn’t go anywhere.

Finding it difficult to actually get things happening…
What’s your tips or do you also feel the same? Would love a chat!


  • NeoAndTrin


    3 months ago

    Not much you can do about fake profiles which would no doubt make up a significant amount of your silence. That is if unverified...even then.thry may not just be around anymore.

    Best advice is to just move on from these. No amount of getting frustrated at something beyond your control is going to make a difference to that.

    Stick to the ones that talk back and don't worry about the rest.

  • teamaj2


    3 months ago

    We personally think finding four like minded and mutually attracted people not the easiest to find . No one takes one for the team .
    I know that when we were actively seeking people, often one of us , called it a definite no . Chat over .
    We found most people don’t want to chat . We find the more we chat , we more we know if we want to meet .
    Attending events , we found greater success.
    Patience and perseverance is probably our only tip . We figure it’s about being lucky enough to connect with the right people .
    Good luck . Ax

  • MajekMonkey


    3 months ago

    So I just signed up. How active is this website? Often I find most profiles are inactive so they don't even read your DM in the first place.

  • RagnarPrime


    3 months ago

    As I'm also reaching out to a similar demographic I'll detail my experience of the last 8 years:

    If you're looking for a level of connection through self-aware conversation and a demonstration of intellect or the ability to debate / provide a catalyst to further a conversation then you'll need to kiss a lot of frogs.

    The majority see sex in a very base-level way - getting off. Masturbating but with a guy there. I'm sure many men seem this way to women too.

    But it's extremely rare to find someone who can hit the cerebral sweet-spot first to really spark an attraction. Many profiles have low effort and the idea that they exist seems to be enough for them. And it is because there are many others who view that as enough too.

    I'm assuming here you want more than just a body to use and someone / some people who can generate an evening of interaction. I suspect this is hard to find in life generally, not just in swinging.

    Also - "like-minded" - it reads lazy as it's non-specific and nobody actually knows if they're like-minded. Paradox in a way. Be specific and give people a springboard into the conversation with you. Like a good resume that highlights what's in it for the reader.

  • Hiluxman1


    3 months ago

    Same have lots of great chats that either go no where or just fiz out despite trying to get to know the other party

  • RachWandered


    3 months ago

    I wasn’t going to comment here again but I have excellent and advice to share …

    I’m not a mean or cold person but I’m going to sound awful
    **big breath**

    In the absence of a real life meet you do not have “connections” or “solid conversations”. You have text on a screen. That’s it.

    Online chat is hard hard hard hard and boring AF. Messages are boring. Texting is my idea of hell… like waiting in a queue or something just horrible…

    I’m the queen of inconsistent conversations because who the fuck has time to be messaging alllll the time?

    Just line up a bunch of dates with prospects, have a back up for each date and be glad you can bonk each other…

    Try to celebrate each flake because that’s another profile you no longer need to bother with.

    And remember to compile a list of greatest excuses for flaking …