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RHP Webcam Chat hotter than BB07!Where have all the sexy people gone on Big Brother? Big Brother is all about pleasing the regulatory boffins...

RedHotPie Editor | June 06 2007

RHP Webcam Chat hotter than BB07!

Where have all the sexy people gone on Big Brother?  It appears Big Brother is all about pleasing the regulatory boffins this year, who if we recall had a major rant about last year’s debacle with Ash, John and Camilla’s ‘turkey slap’ incident.  It seems BB has enlisted the most asexual bunch of Big Brother wannabe’s to grace our airwaves and really it’s irksome to say the least.

It’s a shame Channel Ten’s ever controversial show had one of the lowest ratings for a Big Brother season premiere since its inception in Australia.  The content hasn’t done it any favours with its most major controversy this season having nothing to do with sex! Where is all the sexiness hiding?!  Big Brother has always had that element of sexuality and sensuality about it, just look at the European BB!  In its seeming bid to quash anything overtly sexual being broadcast on commercial television, thanks mostly to the self righteous moral do gooders, the producers have sadly axed Big Brother Uncut.  I will give Big Brother props though for at least attempting to leave some sexiness in the show, it may be unintentional but the amount of cleavage being shown has been incredibly impressive as has the size!

It can be argued a large number of Big Brother viewers want to see sex, flirting and general naughtiness and as yet we have seen rarely a glimpse of this.  Well, not unless you count Big Brother’s twist - secret couple Andrew and Hayley, which has no value since Hayley’s departure.  Who could forget Aliesha and Billy though?  The pair is so interesting I can’t look away… NOT! This year many of the housemates are attached, seemingly moreso than previous seasons, with boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and even ex wives all waiting for them on the outside.  There is even the churchgoer Rebecca who was no doubt put in to please the moralistic groups who have been bashing Big Brother since day dot.  Can you just imagine if the Big Brother house was filled with RedHotPie members instead? How sexy would it be?! The censors would be on overdrive! You should go to RHP’s hot webcam chat, at least there you get to see some hot viewing and can interact in some steamy fun to make up for the sterile atmosphere currently on show in the Big Brother house.