
July 20 2014

I am new i from France and i want speak whit people ;) sorry for m'y english

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Enjoy your stay in Australia..There are lots of sexy people here to talk to xQ

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Hey there mate
    I hope you have a wonderful time visiting our lovely country and its getting to the best time of the year soon also
    Have a great time and remember
    Red back spiders will kill you dead and if they don't the sharks and crocodiles will
    look out for drop bears

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Welcome, great place to practice your english in here. Might be a good place to find someone to practice your Australian kiss too, it is the same as a French kiss but down under

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago


  • MsSuperFoxy


    10 years ago

    *faire la bise*

    How long have you been in Australia for?


  • Seachange


    10 years ago

    Ca va bien? Bienvenue en Australie.
    Hope you make lots of friends here and experience the warm hospitalityt of Aussies! Best you hang around the Aussies and practice some local linggo. Have fun here in rhp.
    A bientot mon ami.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Hi Xavier

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Bienvenue Xavier,
    Vous avez choisi un endroit interresant pour rencentrer les gens avec qui vous pouvez parler francais.
    Ne vous inquietez pas pour votre anglais; il n'y a pas mal de gens anglophone ici qui ecrit tres mal.
    Bon chance,